Get your favourite Dishes
on Campus

Kudel Express is a Food delivery app and website where students on campus can place orders from their favourite Restaurants on Campus and get it delivered to them at their preferred location.

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Our Service

KUDEL EXPRESS is a food delivey app/website where students can place orders from their favourite restaurants and gets it delivered to them at their preferred location. We also have the ‘Custom Dish’ section, where users gets to interact with Vendors on their Perfect food mixture(s).

How It Works


Search for your Favourite restaurant(s) and order your preferred dish. All orders will be added to your Cart.

Confirm Your Order

In the Cart Section, you’ll be able to add or reduce the quantity of items in your Cart, then you can confirm your items and make payment for your Delivery.

Track your order

Once payment is made, you can track your order(s) from the ‘Orders page’ till your order is delivered to your by the delivery agent.

Why Choose Us

Quality foods

Get access to all your Favourite Vendors on Campus with their best dishes

Stress Free

Place order(s) at your covinence... You can also place a 'custom dish' order and give it that special name of yours.

Fast Delivery

Once order is placed, you get your delivery within 30 minutes




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